
The lowzoom-landcover layer has a value attribute which has values corresponding to the following table:

Class Class name Description
0 Water bodies Oceans, seas, lakes, reservoirs, and rivers. Can be either fresh or salt- water bodies.
1 Evergreen needleleaf forests Lands dominated by needleleaf woody vegetation with a percent cover >60% and height exceeding 2 m. Almost all trees remain green all year. Canopy is never without green foliage.
2 Evergreen broadleaf forests Lands dominated by broadleaf woody vegetation with a percent cover >60% and height exceeding 2 m. Almost all trees and shrubs remain green year round. Canopy is never without green foliage.
3 Deciduous needleleaf forests Lands dominated by woody vegetation with a percent cover >60% and height exceeding 2 m. Consists of seasonal needleleaf tree communities with an annual cycle of leaf-on and leaf-off periods.
4 Deciduous broadleaf forests Lands dominated by woody vegetation with a percent cover >60% and height exceeding 2 m. Consists of broadleaf tree communities with an annual cycle of leaf-on and leaf-off periods.
5 Mixed forests Lands dominated by trees with a percent cover >60% and height exceeding 2 m. Consists of tree communities with interspersed mixtures or mosaics of the other four forest types. None of the forest types exceeds 60% of landscape.
6 Closed shrublands Lands with woody vegetation less than 2 m tall and with shrub canopy cover >60%. The shrub foliage can be either evergreen or deciduous.
7 Open shrublands Lands with woody vegetation less than 2 m tall and with shrub canopy cover between 10% and 60%. The shrub foliage can be either evergreen or deciduous.
8 Woody savannas Lands with herbaceous and other understory systems, and with forest canopy cover between 30% and 60%. The forest cover height exceeds 2 m.
9 Savannas Lands with herbaceous and other understory systems, and with forest canopy cover between 10% and 30%. The forest cover height exceeds 2 m.
10 Grasslands Lands with herbaceous types of cover. Tree and shrub cover is less than 10%.
11 Permanent wetlands Lands with a permanent mixture of water and herbaceous or woody vegetation. The vegetation can be present either in salt, brackish, or fresh water.
12 Croplands Lands covered with temporary crops followed by harvest and a bare soil period (e.g., single and multiple cropping systems). Note that perennial woody crops will be classified as the appropriate forest or shrub land cover type.
13 Urban and built-up lands Land covered by buildings and other man-made structures.
14 Cropland/natural vegetation mosaics Lands with a mosaic of croplands, forests, shrubland, and grasslands in which no one component comprises more than 60% of the landscape.
15 Snow and ice Lands under snow/ice cover throughout the year.
16 Barren Lands with exposed soil, sand, rocks, or snow and never have more than 10% vegetated cover during any time of the year.
